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Holiday Eating: Party Hearty Without Putting on the Pounds!

The holidays are ... a special time of year. These days, however, many women wonder whether ... means happy -- or ... Do you know anyone who doesn't feel more stress during the hol The holidays are definitely a special time of year. These days, however, many women wonder whether...

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To Diet or not to Diet, that should be the question!

To Diet Or Not To Diet? That Should Be The Question!Diet information is everywhere. In advertisements, on TV, in magazines; the bookstores are crammed with books on many different diet options - The S... To Diet Or Not To Diet? That Should Be The Question!Diet information is everywhere. In advertisements,...

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Winter Weight Loss Magic

If winter hibernation tends to pack on the pounds, take heart. There are some simple steps you can take this winter to prevent yourself from gaining weight. Even though it’s a “natural” process to put on weight during the winter, it’s not all that pleasant. So check out these simple...

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The Real Truth about your Sweet Tooth

... My mom always said my ... was to blame for my weight problem (I can't seem to lose ... but my best friend says I should listen to my body and eat whatever I want because it kno Question: My mom always said my sweet-tooth was to blame for...

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Understanding Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction was developed by dermatologic surgeons in the mid 1980's and has become the more popular method of liposuction. It is considered a major advancement that has completely changed s... Tumescent liposuction was developed by dermatologic surgeons in the mid 1980's and has become the more popular method of...

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South Beach Diet - US vs. World

Diets concern ... ... as they do have a ... weight ... So it would only be natural that dieting issues be so over ... in the US. Also, "miracle diet recipes" are very Diets concern especially Americans as they do have a "national weight problem". So it would only...

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Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

In order to lose weight, your body must burn more calories than it takes in, but keep in mind that your body needs calories for energy and when you ... your body needs even more ... Before In order to lose weight, your body must burn more calories than it...

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Co-Dependency and Food: Trying to Fill the Void

Nice girls don’t speak up. Nice girls take care of and support others. These are just a few of the messages girls often receive as they are ... Often in ... these ... messages tur Nice girls don’t speak up. Nice girls take care of and support others. These are...

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Warning! “Ipecac Syrup” can cause death when it used for weight loss!

Warning! “Ipecac Syrup” can cause death when it used for weight ... a shame to weight loss gurus and guides. How can a weight loss guru ... “Ipecac Syrup” to loose weight? Misuse of “Ipeca Warning! “Ipecac Syrup” can cause death when it used for weight loss!What a shame to...

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From now on, Europe focuses on dieting pills

A state of ... has been recently put on European Union agenda. In the next ten years, European ... will be "on diet". The EU ... have to manage an alarming ... high rate of o A state of emergency has been recently put on European Union agenda. In the...

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The Omega Zone Diet and Fish Oil

The Omega Zone Diet and Fish OilIs ... fish oil the magic pill? Dr. Barry Sears claims that Zone diet, combined with daily ... of ... fish oil ... grade"), ... Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

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The Miraculous Claims of the Zone Diet

The ... Claims of the Zone DietOne way of ... a fad diet is said to be the promise of multiple ... effects upon health. And Zone diet promises a lot."Why is the Zone diet so cont "Why is the Zone diet so controversial?""Beats me!"Extract from an interview with Dr....

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Low-Carb Diets - An Introduction

by Priya ... to a recent survey by the National Health ... about a third of ... ... who are trying to lose weight, are doing so by eating less car by Priya Shahhttp://www.priyashah.comAccording to a recent survey by the National Health Institute, about a third of overweight Americans who...

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Bitter Orange - Ephedra in disguise ? So Why Do People Still Take It ?

If you read my last article about bitter orange, it was pretty clear how I felt about the herb. I’d read the available research concerning bitter orange, and while there was some evidence supporting bitter orange, the overall picture did not look good. So that’s the picture I painted, however,...

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Want Fries With That Mister

Yes, my healthy diet has at times suffered at the hands of fast food, I admit it – I am addicted to fast food – it makes me feel good, it makes us all feel good, that’s why its ... and thats wh Yes, my healthy diet has at times...

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Body Fat Distribution Factors

Most men and women put on weight ... But on what makes fat settle in a ... way, there is little ... ... that the specific body shapes are: the android shape, Most men and women put on weight differently. But on what makes fat settle in a preferential way,...

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Momma Said: Keep Your Fingers Out Of Your Mouth

Watching television exercises our eyes but nothing else. Unfortunately, it doesn't require us to do anything with our hands which leaves them free to grab something to eat. Then there are the food and restaurant commercials where everything is colorful and perfectly cooked. Don't even think about watching a cooking...

Weight Loss: One Day At A Time

Most of us are aware of the AA axiom of "One day at a time." It speaks to the secret of any long term goal - concentrate on taking the right step and the journey will take care of itself. Like the alcoholic who faces the urge to drink at...

How To Cop An Attitude With An Overzealous Hostess

We all encounter those hosts and hostesses who feel it is their duty to make us eat whatever their specialty is and generate a sense of guilt if we do not flatter their creation by stuffing ourselves with it, regardless of our weight control plans and weight loss goals. Here...

5 Tips To Losing Weight With Convenience Food

While it would be ideal to make all of our own snacks and meals from scratch everyday, the plain and simple truth is that most of us simply don't have that kind oftime. This is where we turn to convenience foods to meet our dietary and weight loss needs. However,...

Why All Diets Fail Most Of The Time

There's a dirty little secret in the diet industry. The sellers of weight loss programs won't admit it, but no weight loss plan works for everyone. In fact, all diets fail MOST OF THE TIME! Don't we all have a friend who can eat and eat without gaining a pound?...

Close Kpet Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #2

Practice some simple, fast stress release techniques.  When you release the stress, you're able to manifest those things to propel your weight loss goals. Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Welcome to lesson #2.  First of all, I believe that gratitude is so important in everyday life.  With this in...

Weight Gain, Cravings, & Genetics

Jay Leno expressed on the Tonight Show that as he interviewed people he realized that most of them had weight loss as their New Year’s resolution. Weight is indeed a major concern in the United States. Overweight robs us of energy and encourages diseases. Obesity is a sign that the...

What is the Best Kind of Exercise for Weight Loss?

It is a common misconception that aerobic exercise tones/firms muscles. Actually it accomplishes very little toning/firming. Resistance exercise (weight training) is where real toning/firming of muscles occurs. Doing both aerobics and weight training is the optimal way to lose more fat and gain more muscle. If you are trying to...

Beyond Diets

We can’t choose the body we want, rather we have to accept the body we are given. Our bodies are an amazing compilation of traits from all our ancestors. They are unique and allow us to have the physical experience of life. They are the vehicles of our soul. They...

Not all Fats are Bad

Fats have been unfairly lumped together as being all bad for too long. Fat doesn’t necessarily cause disease, and can actually cause a role in its prevention. The truth is that some fats are very bad for us and some fats are actually very good for us. Time has shown...

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Not all Fats are Bad

Fats have been unfairly lumped together as being all bad for too long. Fat doesn’t necessarily cause disease, and can actually cause a role in its prevention. The truth is that some fats are very bad for us and some fats are actually very good for us. Time has shown...

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