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Is There Spice in Your Websites?

When someone visits your web site, do they think, “Wow, here’s ... look at!” Or, “Oh, here we go again, same old thing. Boring.” Youneed to know that a visitor ... their visit or leaving When someone visits your web site, do they think, “Wow, here’s somethingto look at!” Or,...

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Become a resource and they'll return!

One of the biggest ... every person ... business on theworld wide web faces, is how to get ... traffic to return to theirweb site. Business people are always looking for ... One of the biggest challenges every person conducting business on theworld wide web faces, is how to get...

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Content is King!

Content is ... pencil. Yes, a pencil. In my opinion, every great idea has started with a pencil. Sure, lots stay in ... head, but to me a great idea doesn’t have any value until it Content is KingIntroductionA pencil. Yes, a pencil. In my opinion, every great idea has...

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The Top Ten Non-Techie Ways to Drive Traffic to your Web Site

Bring those visitors back for more, ... you and saying BRAVO! They will create a buzz about your great site, bookmark it, and send you many new ... These visitors are your personal market Bring those visitors back for more, applauding you and saying BRAVO! They will create a buzz...

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80% of your Web site is Maintenance

Once your Web site is up, you must maintain it. ... means changes, and each time you make a change, you may make a mistake. Today, someone pointed out a mistake in an entry that was ... Once your Web site is up, you must maintain it. Maintenance means changes,...

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A good web site receives ... of visitors a day. But how many of those turn into ... People sign-up or buy when they feel ... with a web site. If it's down, slow, or broken in any A good web site receives thousands of visitors a day. But how...

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Sites for Budding Beginners

So you want to put up a web page? As a relative newcomer myself to the magical world of web sites - I only went online in July of '99, and I didn't even know how to send emails - I have picked up many So you want to put...

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WAP for Webmasters

What is WAP?The Wireless ... Protocol (WAP) is a standard ... that enables Cellular Phones to connect to the Internet and view stripped down Web Pages and ... WAP uses similar con What is WAP?The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a standard technology that enables Cellular Phones to connect to...

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Do You Know What Your Website Visitors Are REALLY Looking For?

Through the last few years I've tried many ... to anagging ... how to let visitors easily search ... website. Each time I'd try a new service, script ... program I'd run into Through the last few years I've tried many solutions to anagging problem... how to let visitors easily...

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Link Rot Kills

"My site had a severe case of link rot and yours may too!"Have you ever run a link checking program on your website?No, not one of those quickie link checks, but a "full site"link check? What you learn about your website may disturb you. Ithappened to me this week. As...

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Four Ways To Make Your Web Copy SELL!

Is your web site getting ... but not selling ... the most common problem on the ... you check your web site ... you'll notice ... even ... of visitor Is your web site getting visitors, but not selling anything?It's the most common problem on the Internet.If you check your...

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1) CLEAN THE ... load your web site with too much ... Your visitors may miss your sales ... flashing and blinking graphics can makeyou page load slow and annoy you 1) CLEAN THE CLUTTERDon't load your web site with too much high-techclutter. Your visitors may miss your sales message.Sometimes...

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10 Reasons To Survey Your Visitors, Subscribers And Customers!

1. You'll find out what type of content visitors wantto see at your web site. This will attract your ... revisit and read the ... You'll find out how to improve existing ... servi 1. You'll find out what type of content visitors wantto see at your web site. This...

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Fix My Website: Copy is Copy is Copy?

Gertrude Stein insisted that a rose was a rose was a rose. And Iwill ... right here, that boring is boring is ... probably heard (ad nauseum) that writing for the web ... diff Gertrude Stein insisted that a rose was a rose was a rose. And Iwill proclaim, right...

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Going Global

It‘s not always easy to think ... yet many of our site‘s visitors ... In fact, most ofthem do. This has forced us to pack a lot of learning into a short time.We edit and publish a monthl It‘s not always easy to think globally, yet many of our site‘s...

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Should You Translate Your Web Site to Another Language?

In 2001, half the users of the Web do not speak English as a first ... more, the number of ... speaking ... is ... a much faster rate than the number of English speakin In 2001, half the users of the Web do not speak English as a first...

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Should you add a forum to your website? The pros and cons explained

Have you been considering adding a forum to your website? There are some distinct advantages and some real disadvantages. Here is an overview of some of the pros and cons of having a forum associated with your site. Pros: People can get very devoted to forums. They will check in...

Turnkey Websites - the good and the bad

Turnkey websites are now in the mainstream marketplace reducing the need to hire web developers to build custom solutions that can take months to complete. But is this a boon to the internet industry? Article Tags: Turnkey Websites, Turnkey Website Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Internet Business Ideas – Quality Website Content That Attract Repeat Visitors

Attract repeat visitors to your website by including some of these internet business ideas for quality, unique, free, sought-after, informative, fresh, problem-solving website content. Most surfers are looking for information and webmasters are looking for ways not only to keep their visitors on their internet home business websites longer, but...

2007 Website Awards -What is the best web-site?

In the 2007 website awards ceremonies it is hard to say who might take the award for best website or any other category.  The idea of conducting website awards ceremonies and giving out awards to webs... In the 2007 website awards ceremonies it is hard to say who might take...

Top 10 Content Rich Ideas For Your Website

Top 10 Content Rich Ideas For Your Website With increased internet competition and search engine scrutiny, it's no wonder that web business owners lose business, become discouraged and drop out of th... Top 10 Content Rich Ideas For Your Website With increased internet competition and search engine scrutiny, it's no...

Article and Link Directory Submissions - Managing Expectations

Because the vast majority of consumers and business owners think the Internet moves at 'light speed", they expect instantaneous search engine profits.  Read on the find out why consistency drives results. What I found most helpful was to manage my own and my clients' expectations. There are a lot of...

One Way Links - 3 Viral Marketing Tips

While link popularity is a major factor for Google and other search engines when it comes to ranking your site, an overabundance of reciprocal links can work against you. One way links send a strong message to search engines that your website is valuable and interesting enough for other sites...

Why Hoping in Search Traffic Can Doom your Business

If you're relying on search engine traffic alone, you may be surprised to learn there are plenty of other traffic generating options. Read on to learn why it's important to diversify your traffic sources. Most reports peg search traffic at about 10% of total internet traffic. However, most businesses spend...

Automated Linking Software - The Pros Outweigh the Cons

If you're trying to decided whether or not linking software is for you, read the following pros and cons to help you make a better informed decision. Decide for yourself if using automated linking software is worth the cost; in terms of money and search engine rankings. Con: You don't...

Fetching One Way Links - A Beginner's Guide

One way links, reciprocal links, link exchanges, link farms, high PR links. What is all this? To a new webmaster, it can be overwhelming. But, whittled down to its core, linking is a simple process which has huge implications for a website's search engine rankings. To help the new webmaster...

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Fetching One Way Links - A Beginner's Guide

One way links, reciprocal links, link exchanges, link farms, high PR links. What is all this? To a new webmaster, it can be overwhelming. But, whittled down to its core, linking is a simple process which has huge implications for a website's search engine rankings. To help the new webmaster...

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