The Left Brain and the Destruction of Our Society

In this article author Qesankh Maa Kheperu details how the left brain has caused many of the world’s ills.
He shows examples of how the left brain spawned racism and is the architect of the great conflicts vexing our society. He proposes that the solution is an integrated brain approach.
But what exactly does this mean? Find out now! The Left Brain and the Destruction of Our Society By Qesankh Maa Kheperu   We live in a world dominated by the left brain. It started thousands of years ago with the destruction and extermination of indigenous people.
So why is this important—and what’s wrong with the left brain?   It is important to understand that the left brain thinks segregatively—meaning it seeks to separate things that belong together and to create definitions, labels, and categories based on externals. It sees the world through a filter.
It doesn’t understand truth, but only knows logic and the super level of things. It cannot think abstractly, so anything metaphysical is beyond its comprehension.
In ancient Egypt it was symbolized by the jackal-headed god, Sebek. He was known as the trickster because the left brain only works true paradigms.
It pretends to have knowledge but only possesses information.   This is why many institutions of higher education are shams.
They teach you only what to think—but not how to think. When you receive your degree, it is only a testament to how well you can regurgitate information and how well you have accepted the academic norms.
These institutions fail to introduce right- or whole-brain thinking, which allows integration of all parts.   The right brain is congregative in its thinking— it looks to see how the pieces fit together or relate.
It helps you derive the truth of a situation because you are not limited to examining one minute aspect based on a myopic viewpoint. Hence, the right brain is also the seat of morality, which is why ancient civilizations did not suffer from the deviant behavior of our modern world.
  With the recent Orlando nightclub shooting, we saw the news media and the propaganda machine at work. It’s important to note that such acts of violence again one group are an act against all.
But these acts are nothing but false flag operations designed to manipulate the public. This is what the left brain does best.
  So now we see people running around with rainbow flags and the LGBT community petitioning for more protection and greater rights. Additionally, the shooting has caused more hatred toward the Muslim community.
The handiwork of left-brain leaders and a whole society that cannot think holistically is apparent. Terms like LGBT and Muslim are labels that can be used to divide and conquer by those who rule and control the planet.
  Let’s apply Occam’s razor principle, or law of parsimony, which tells us that when you have competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest number of assumptions is usually true. Is it easier to believe that a shooter who is Muslim and hates gays got into a club and killed 50 people (with no closed-circuit TV camera to record this)—or to believe that our government is playing both sides against each other to promote an agenda? Right away after the event, there was talk of Muslim hatred, gun control (which the ruling elite wants in order to keep you disarmed), and further rights for LGBT people.
  What we see going on here is a chess game. Read Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book The Grand Chessboard.
The citizens are pawns used to push legislation and further prevent the people of this country from uniting.   I recall recently talking to a young white girl on the street, who confided that some guy told her she was pretty.
She said this was street harassment. I wanted to talk further about it, but she quickly walked away.
I’m truly saddened by the capacity we lack as a society for critical and integrated thinking. Here is a white woman, the most protected class on the planet, claiming harassment.
Now I may seem harsh, but think about this: there are young black men who are afraid to walk down streets in their own neighborhoods for fear of getting shot, being accosted by drug dealers or gang members, or being stopped by police and profiled (and even getting killed, in the case of Trayvon Martin).   My real point is how easily we are manipulated through the left brain.
By coming up with erroneous terms that favor one group and exclude another, we are creating greater and greater divisions in society. If you can remember, not too long ago a video was released on YouTube of a young white girl, Shoshana Roberts, being street harassed by men as she walked for approximately 10 hours.
The video was made by videographer Rob Bliss and was a total scam. The video showed her being approached by black and Hispanic men.
Yet it was later exposed that the footage of white men approaching Shoshana had been edited out.   This is how the left brain works: by separating issues, directing your focus, and framing arguments.
It is also exactly how you manipulate the culture of a people and their mind-set toward one another. For example, notice that when an act of so-called terrorism is committed, the perpetrator is quickly called out as a Muslim.
But those acts (even the ones that are false flag operations) are few and far between compared to the ones committed by Christians. In fact, the lion’s share of crimes committed globally are done by Christians.
The slave trade, which caused the death of over 100 million Africans, was perpetrated by Christians. The first slave ship that landed in Jamestown, Virginia, was named Jesus.
  But the manipulation goes further. When an act of terror is committed against white Americans, it is immediately called “terrorism” committed by a “terrorist” or “terrorist group.” The news media goes full steam ahead in reporting and repeating the story.
But the KKK, infamous for lynching hundreds of innocent blacks, is not classified as a terrorist group—nor are they called out in the media for being Christians.   Think tank organizations (such as Tavistock institutions) work overtime on controlling group behavior.
They create cultural divisions by manipulating the population to take sides and accept false ideas. It is important to understand that such institutions create and foster racism.
Since the left brain has no concept of morality, these organizations are free to destroy our society by keeping groups and people hating one another. When the young girl claimed that she was street-harassed, she was playing the victim to gain more special treatment in the way she had been taught.
She watched Shoshana’s video and identified with her, even though the video is a complete forgery.   This is exactly how the ruling elite creates our illusionary world—a world of false labels and definitions.
They split hairs to the max to keep you from putting the pieces of the puzzle together and seeing the real puppet masters. There’s no better example of this than the Hegelian dialectic, stated by Heinrich Moritz.
The idea is that you arrive at the truth of an argument through a synthesis of the thesis and its antithesis. This shows the fallacy of our world because it negates the idea of examining the premise from a larger perspective.
  We see this dialectic spawning our current political system, which in truth is only a two-party system. You are either Democrat or Republican.
Never does the media address the fallacy and grand manipulation of only presenting two options. You pick bad or worse—and are not allowed to set the topic of debate.
You are presented with a premise for an issue and allowed to debate it within the context of never questioning why you must accept their premise in the first place. The minute you ask a candidate whether they support an investigation into the government’s creating AIDS, your voice is shut down, and you are marginalized or discredited.
  Right-brain thinking sees the relationship between issues and seeks to find balance. All pieces serve the whole and must live in harmony.
It understands that what affects one thing will inevitably affect another. The left brain can only see one-to-one connections, while the right brain can see indirect connections that support and maintain the entire structure.
  The masses are only using one half of their brains. The other half is dead.
We cannot see the real world for what it is—a connection of all living things, which are one. We are not separate people, organizations, or political parties.
Those are false ideas. We are all consciousness having an experience on this fourth dimensional level of existence.
All other things are merely symbols for us to interact with. They come from one source.
But the elite uses the idea of separation to enact their evil way of life. Let’s start thinking more holistically and using the right brain to see that when we call ourselves by labels and terms, we are setting ourselves up for war and the eventual destruction of our very society.
Source: Free Articles from Qesankh Maa Kheperu is a nationally recognized spiritual leader who breaks ground teaching revolutionary metaphysical principles.  He focuses on ancient Egyptian techniques fusing those with modern applications including NLP, hypnosis, Chigong and divination. His organization, Project Illuminated, holds classes and seminars across the country.

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